def __init__(
do_denoise: bool = True,
noise: List[float] = [0.6],
do_cce: bool = False,
cce_sim: float = 0.5, # .6
cce_scale: float = 0.002, # .01
do_ecs: bool = False,
ecs_threshold: float = 0.3,
ecs_scale: float = 0.05, # .1
do_mvc: bool = False,
mvc_scale: float = 1.0,
do_adv_cls: bool = False,
do_next_tp: bool = False,
do_generate: bool = True,
class_scale: float = 1.5,
mask_ratio: List[float] = [], # 0.3
test_every: int = 1,
warmup_duration: int = 500,
fused_adam: bool = False,
adv_class_scale: float = 0.1,
lr_reduce_patience: int = 1,
lr_reduce_factor: float = 0.6,
lr_reduce_monitor: str = "val_loss",
do_cls: bool = True,
do_adv_batch: bool = False,
run_full_forward: bool = False,
lr: float = 0.001,
optim: str = "adamW",
weight_decay: float = 0.01,
TrainingMode a callback to set the training specific info to the model.
This is because lightning is unfortunately setup this way. the model should be separated from training
but at the same time it has training specific methods... so we have to do this.
do_denoise (bool): Whether to apply denoising during training. Defaults to True.
noise (List[float]): List of noise levels to apply if denoising is enabled. Defaults to [0.6], meaning only one forward path with 60% of the counts being dropped will happen.
do_cce (bool): Whether to apply the Contrastive Cell Embedding from scGPT during training. Defaults to False.
cce_sim (float): Similarity threshold for CCE. Defaults to 0.5.
cce_scale (float): Scaling factor for CCE loss. Defaults to 0.002.
do_ecs (bool): Whether to apply the Elastic Cell Similarity loss from scGPT during training. Defaults to False.
ecs_threshold (float): Threshold for ECS. Defaults to 0.3.
ecs_scale (float): Scaling factor for ECS loss. Defaults to 0.05.
do_mvc (bool): Whether to do the cell embedding generation with the scGPT's MVC loss. Defaults to False.
mvc_scale (float): Scaling factor for MVC loss. Defaults to 1.0.
do_adv_cls (bool): Whether to apply adversarial classification during training. Defaults to False.
do_generate (bool): Whether to do the bottleneck learning task. Defaults to True.
class_scale (float): Scaling factor for classification loss. Defaults to 1.5.
mask_ratio (List[float]): List of mask ratios to apply during training. Defaults to [], meaning no masking is applied during pretraining.
warmup_duration (int): Number of warmup steps for learning rate scheduling. Defaults to 500.
fused_adam (bool): Whether to use fused Adam optimizer. Defaults to True.
adv_class_scale (float): Scaling factor for adversarial classification loss. Defaults to 0.1.
lr_reduce_patience (int): Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced. Defaults to 1.
lr_reduce_factor (float): Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced. Defaults to 0.6.
lr_reduce_monitor (str): Quantity to be monitored for learning rate reduction. Defaults to "val_loss".
do_cls (bool): Whether to perform classification during training. Defaults to True.
do_adv_batch (bool): Whether to apply adversarial batch training. Defaults to False.
run_full_forward (bool): Whether to run a second forward pass without masking or denoising for the bottleneck learning / MVC case. Defaults to False.
lr (float): Initial learning rate. Defaults to 0.001.
optim (str): Optimizer to use during training. Defaults to "adamW".
weight_decay (float): Weight decay to apply during optimization. Defaults to 0.01.
name (str): Name of the training mode. Defaults to an empty string. should be an ID for the model
test_every (int): Number of epochs between testing. Defaults to 1.
self.do_denoise = do_denoise
self.noise = noise
self.do_cce = do_cce
self.cce_sim = cce_sim
self.cce_scale = cce_scale
self.do_ecs = do_ecs
self.ecs_threshold = ecs_threshold
self.ecs_scale = ecs_scale
self.do_mvc = do_mvc
self.do_adv_cls = do_adv_cls
self.do_next_tp = do_next_tp
self.do_generate = do_generate
self.class_scale = class_scale
self.mask_ratio = mask_ratio
self.warmup_duration = warmup_duration
self.fused_adam = fused_adam
self.mvc_scale = mvc_scale
self.do_cls = do_cls
self.adv_class_scale = adv_class_scale
self.lr_reduce_patience = lr_reduce_patience
self.lr_reduce_factor = lr_reduce_factor
self.lr_reduce_monitor = lr_reduce_monitor = lr
self.optim = optim
self.weight_decay = weight_decay
self.do_cls = do_cls
self.do_adv_batch = do_adv_batch
self.run_full_forward = run_full_forward = name
self.test_every = test_every